
6000 watt power inverters Role of the inverter

By the wave nature of the main points chord two categories, one is a sine wave inverter, and the other is a square wave inverter. Sine wave inverter output power is the same 1500w off grid inverter as we use every day or even better sine wave AC power because it does not exist in the electromagnetic pollution. The square wave output of the inverter is the poor quality of the square wave alternating current, the positive maximum to the negative maximum value to almost simultaneously generated, so resulting in a dramatic effect on the instability of the inverter and the load itself. At the same time, its load capacity is poor, only 40-60% of the rated load, not with inductive load (explained in detail below article). If the load carried by large, square-wave current third harmonic components contained enable capacitive currents flowing into the load increases, and in severe damage to the load of the power supply filter capacitor. For the above disadvantages, in recent years a quasi-sine wave (or modified sine wave, modified sine wave, sine-wave, etc.) of the inverter, the output waveform from the positive maximum to a negative maximum time between intervals, using the results improved, but is still 12V inverter charger quasi-sine wave by the broken line, belonging to the scope of the square wave, continuous bad. In conclusion, the sine wave inverter providing high-quality alternating current, can bring any kind of load, but the technical requirements and costs are high. Quasi-sine wave inverter can meet most of our electricity demand, high efficiency, low noise, moderate prices, and thus become the market mainstream products. Square wave inverters produced using simple multivibrator, which belongs to the level of technology in the 1950s, will gradually withdraw from the market. 
According to send power inverter, divided into coal inverter, solar inverter, wind inverter, nuclear power inverter. Depending on the application, divided into independent control of the inverter and inverter. At present the domestic market inverter efficiency. As described above, when the inverter is working part itself also consumes power, so it is greater than the input power to its power output. That is, the efficiency of the inverter inverter output power to input power ratio. If a station 100 watt inverter input DC output of 90 watts of AC power, then it's efficiency is 90%. Currently the world's solar inverters, high efficiency in Europe and America, the European standard is 97.2%, but the price is more expensive, other domestic inverter efficiency is 90% or less, but the price is much cheaper than imports. Outside power, in addition to waveform Select the inverter efficiency is also very important, the higher the inverter to waste less energy efficient solar power inverter electrical power for even more, especially when you use low-power system that more importance obvious.

